Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A silent voice can only endure what is wrong 16
A loud voice will get the attention of others
We must be the voice for a change in attitude
A tool for working on what will soon kill us.

The sky is beautiful, the air smells sweet 17
The moon, stars, and yes, the sun, amazing
Rustling leaves and grass, rippling brook
I want my children's children to enjoy them too.

If we close our eyes we will not see what's wrong 18
If we plug our ears, we won't hear agonizing screams
Squeeze our nostrils and we won't smell bad things
But.. it does not make the wrongs disappear.

Each human being is an island unto him/herself 19
We grow and live by communicating with others
To see what is happening in the world around us
We must step off our island and view the whole.

True reality is beyond the single man and woman 20
It is there just beyond the needs and wants of each
Reality can only be grasped by reaching out to it
Grab it, look closely, and act upon what you see.
A silent voice can only endure what is wrong 16
A loud voice will get the attention of others
We must be the voice for a change in attitude
A tool for working on what will soon kill us.

The sky is beautiful, the air smells sweet 17
The moon, stars, and yes, the sun, amazing
Rustling leaves and grass, rippling brook
I want my children's children to enjoy them too.

If we close our eyes we will not see what's wrong 18
If we plug our ears, we won't hear agonizing screams
Squeeze our nostrils and we won't smell bad things
But.. it does not make the wrongs disappear.

Each human being is an island unto him/herself 19
We grow and live by communicating with others
To see what is happening in the world around us
We must step off our island and view the whole.

True reality is beyond the single man and woman 20
It is there just beyond the needs and wants of each
Reality can only be grasped by reaching out to it
Grab it, look closely, and act upon what you see.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Most religions state somewhere 11
That we must also help ourselves
As well as have belief in our faith
If we choose to leave it all to god
We all lose.

I want my children's children to wak here in peace 12
I want them to breathe deep, drink pure water
Enjoy the fruits of nature that is all around them
Is that too much to ask for all of us, god help us.

People have a strange way of looking at things 13
They see the physical, but register a religious context
This way they can ignore the wrong around them
In favor of what they hope fror in the next life.

Why do we think of our selves as big or great 14
What if in fact we are smaller than a flea
Compared to the planet on which we live
What if we are nothing but a beginning virus
On an unimaginably large being of sorts.

Cry out loud for what is wrong with our world 15
There is a way to fix it but not by ourselves
It requires the attention of those in power
Be it food, water, air, land, all need work.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The price for tomorrow is change
Or the world may change without us
Will we leave a place of life for ours
Or a haunting memory of what might have been.

The magic word to see tomorrow is change
Change lifestyles, habits, how we use the earth
Do we save fresh water and the environment
Or do we leave a legacy of ghostly memories.

When I try and see tomorrow
Yesterday gets in the way
When making changes was probable
Now, it's a guessing game we may lose.

I cry to the sky asking why
I look around and I ask, why not
If we aren't smart enough to see our doom
Why should anyone, anything, care.

We grew up in a bubble thinking we can do anything
But guess what, the bubble burst and its scary
But ignoring what is happening all around us
Is tanamount to suicide, who else is NOT ready.


Listen, can you hear it
The sounds of the planet
It's nature calling to us
Let us all live and live.
Reaching out in time and space
Is good for the future of all
But to do so without research
Is to invite the end of all.

People shouldn't complain about nature
They should scream from the rooftops
If we value the lives of our children
Today, not tomorrow, is 'almost' too late.

More people have begun to die from sun exposure
It is a rare occurance in the past
Today it will become a common occurance
This is the beginning of a new, scary world.

I have heard that we have a market driven economy
But when I look around I see something different
I see people driven by what markets say we need
Do we really need all the disposable crap they offer.